Code(love) Hackathon
The Global Shapers Montreal Hub is creating a Montreal hackathon centred on creating open-source applications for social purposes within 48 hours. The general theme will be inclusion creating social good. This will mean, for example, finding ways to include women, and youth who want to learn how to code into the digital realm.
For more information, click here.
For this page in French, click here.
To register, click here.
The hackathon will be entitled code(love).
In line with this theme, people who are not exposed to technology but want to learn how to go about building cool new things with it can register their emails below to get updates at the event nears: we are counting on giving workshops, and having tables specifically set up to teach basic coding principles, and observers can wander freely around.
If you are a coder interested in building cool new, accessible applications that foster social inclusiveness in the digital realm, we are counting on you to sign up as well.
Corporate Partners
Corporate partners provide us with both monetary support, and organizational resources. In return, they are featured as corporate partners, and given access to tabling, and speaking opportunities.
Community Outreach Partners (non-monetary, only for community initiatives and organizations)
The following community outreach partners are organizations who are working together in Montreal to advance technology, and coding. In return for their contribution promoting the event to their constituents, and the Montreal community, as well as their participation in tabling sessions, and workshops, they are featured as one of our community outreach partners.
Media Partners
Media partners are outlets which we give special access to the event planning, and the event itself. In return, they give us exposure, and coverage.
Reach us at [email protected] for inquiries as to how you can be a part of this exciting new venture.
Sign up here for updates!