Five things you should know before you learn code.

Download / By Kamil Lehmann


I wish I knew that there should be an organized way to approach learning code, and that learning code wasn’t just about learning in isolation—it is about building knowledge upon knowledge.

I wouldn’t have tried to learn more complex languages like Python before learning about HTML/CSS, the foundation of the web.

You should know about sites like Codeacademy which organize code learning in a structured, and fun fashion. You should know about Bentobox, something that offers you a structured plan to approach learning code.

2-Free resources

I wish I knew just how many free resources were out there to learn code. It would have helped me get a sense of what learning could be done, and where I could go.

You should take a look at things like reSRC, an online directory of free resources to learn code, and this list of 31 free resources to learn how to code.


I wish I knew that a lot of coding was built around frameworks, coding templates which set the foundation for easier coding. I wish I knew that one of the cardinal rules of coding was “Don’t Repeat Yourself”—and that means that if someone has built a solution already, go ahead and use it.

Frameworks make coding easier. They build a foundation that you can wrap around your code and play with—invaluable if you’re just beginning to learn how to code.

You should take a look at frameworks such as JQuery, which simplifies interactive elements of a website, and Bootstrap, which simplifies how you style a website.


I wish I knew just how valuable it was having somebody around who knew what they were doing. When I got stuck, I finally approached some programmers I knew, and they helped me immensely.

You should look for mentors or programs like Ladies Learning Code where you are connected with some.

5-Learning by doing

I wish I knew just how much easier learning code would be if I thought about building projects, and getting my code to fit those practical applications.

Nothing beats struggling through Q and A forums like StackOverflow, looking desperately for the right answer and finding it. The learning you’ll get will flow naturally.

You should look for a great idea, and try to build something to learn code. You’ll be adding to the foundation of the Internet, while learning at the same time.


These are the things I wish I knew about learning code before I embarked on my journey. It’s far from complete, but looking back, any one of these steps would have helped me learn faster, and would’ve gotten me to be where I want to be in the future—now.

Getting the learning right allows you to build the future you envision, giving you a voice in the participatory process that is the modern digital economy. It empowers you to build what you can: getting it right can mean the difference between the ideas you see through to fruition , to those you have seen languish behind. Don’t hesitate to start now.


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The author

Roger has worked in user acquisition and marketing roles at startups that have raised 200m+ in funding. He self-taught himself machine learning and data science in Python, and has an active interest in all sorts of technical fields. He's currently working on boosting personal cybersecurity (