How to get a programming job without a degree

Sign up here to be one of the first to receive a free, 80 page guide on how to get a programming job without a degree. The guide will cover curated paths to pursuing programming careers with key resources such as those in artificial intelligence or web development, technical foundations, and different proven techniques to get jobs even if you don’t have a programming background (the author having worked with and helped with input in one of the leading online bootcamps for technical skills, Springboard).

Make sure to check your promotions folder and to whitelist our email if you want to make sure to get the guide when it is released.

Here is some of the content you can expect to receive:

  • A guide to the most frequently asked questions in programming learning
  • Guidelines on how to learn programming effectively
  • Building blocks of programming
  • A run-through on the most popular programming languages with resources for learning them and a sense of their individual potential
  • Curated learning paths that can help direct you to certain career paths
  • An optimal job search strategy (based on insights from hiring managers, bootcamps, and job seekers)
  • A list of job boards and resources you can consult
  • A section on how to become a technical entrepreneur or digital nomad if that’s what you want
  • Where programming jobs and the industry are going in the future
  • An in-depth free curated mini-course on how to learn artificial intelligence and deep learning in Python
  • An in-depth free curated mini-course on how to learn mobile and web development with JavaScript frameworks (React.js being the focus)

For other books from the same author:

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